Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Essay on Chads Creative Concepts Case Study - 707 Words

Chad’s Creative Concepts Case Study 1. What types of decisions must Chad Thomas make daily for his company’s operations to run effectively? Over the long run? Chad Thomas needs to make sure daily manufacturing schedules are aligned with the current orders. The fact that the same set of employees and the same set of tools are being used to manufacture both the custom and the standard pieces of furniture is definitely problematic. In order to meet the demands of each product, it is critical that scheduling be created in the most efficient of manners given the current constraints. Allocating all the resources properly is a key along with scheduling and layout. In regards to long term decisions, Mr. Thomas is going to have to decide†¦show more content†¦The custom line has taken priority, however, due to the higher dollar sales, and the standard lines products were often left temporarily incomplete till the custom orders were met. This is a significant problem because the consumers of the standard furniture expect lower lead times and lower prices. 3. How has the move to producing standard furniture affected the company’s financial structure? The profits have increased for the company with the custom line accounting for 60% of volume and 75% of dollar sales according to this case study. The standard line has seen a continued increase in sales as well. What comes with the increased profit due to the increased manufacturing is the need to put higher amounts of capital into storing the higher inventory. With the company being at capacity, the lead times may not be meeting consumer demands either. The expansion that is needed would initially cost Chad’s Creative Concepts greatly. Without some type of expansion (which would most likely require a new plant), soaring inventory costs will need to be attended to. 4. What might Chad Thomas have done differently to avoid some of the problems he now faces? Perhaps Mr. Thomas should have studied and evaluated what pursuing a standard line of furniture in addition to maintaining the custom line of furniture wouldShow MoreRelatedChads Creative Concept Case Study718 Words   |  3 PagesCHAD’S CREATIVE CONCEPTS Main Problem: The standard lines sales is steadily increasing but the costumed furniture is given more attention because it has more sales compared to the standard lines. This leads to the standard furniture not being finished and requires stages to complete. Not just that, but also company needs to have bigger storage or space for this kind of situation. Objectives: 1. To rent a bigger warehouse wherein they can accommodate the inventory resulting to increase the holdingRead MoreChad s Creative Concept Case2817 Words   |  12 PagesUNIVERSITY OF NEW BRUNSWICK, SAINT JOHN CASE 1: CHAD’S CREATIVE CONCEPT CASE 2: CUSTOM MOLDS INC. MBA 7626: Production Operations Management Instructor: Dr. Ali Sher Prepared by: Team 3, Section 1 Eshhad Islam 3515729 Read MoreProject Mgmt296381 Words   |  1186 Pages Cross Reference of Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) Concepts to Text Topics Chapter 1 Modern Project Management Chapter 8 Scheduling resources and cost 1.2 Project defined 1.3 Project management defined 1.4 Projects and programs (.2) 2.1 The project life cycle (.2.3) App. G.1 The project manager App. G.7 Political and social environments F.1 Integration of project management processes [3.1] 6.5.2 Setting a schedule baseline [8.1.4] Setting a resource schedule Resource

Monday, December 16, 2019

Chemical Engineering Free Essays

Theme : Electrical Sector and Chemical Engineer a) â€Å"The Chemical Engineer – His Role in Electrical Manufacturing† by N. R. Maleady The article is about the role of chemical engineer in manufacturing transformers in the electrical manufacturing sector. We will write a custom essay sample on Chemical Engineering or any similar topic only for you Order Now The important components of the transformer are copper wire, cellulosic insulation, insulating varnish and dielectric liquid. Wire enamel or resin is the insulting structure for copper wire. The resin can either applied as a solution or in solventless form. Mechanical arrangement and proper temperature between each dip are needed to be controlled to provide necessary multiple coats of resin to cure when resin is applied as a solution. Suitable dies and preheaters must be used when the resin is applied in solventless form to extrude the material on the moving wire. Cellulosic insulation is used to separate metal conducting parts. The cylinder on which the wire is wound is composed of continuously wound paper, bound together by suitable impregnants and adhesives. To produce a stronger cylinder, modifications of the paper and adhensives and method of application are to be carried out. Insulating varnish is used in the treatment of components parts and assembled units to provide both insulation and mechanical strength. Viscosity of the material is ought to be maintained within certain limits and its electrical properties must be held at a high level through proper periodic filtration. A dielectric liquid – askarels (highly refined mineral oils and the newer non-inflammable insulating liquids) is used thoroughly free of air for insulating and cooling. Processing of assembled finished transformers is an important phrase of work in the transformer manufacture. Firstly, the insulated wire is wound about the cylinder. By applying heat to the unit while under vacuum, the high percentage of water, which is 8% of the weight of the cellulose present in cellulose insulation resulting in the low dielectric strength may be removed. Vacuum bake tank is used to provide rapid heating of the units through good air circulation, followed by removal of the absorbed water. By immersing the whole assembly into suitable insulating varnishes, which when cured, give it high mechanical strength to withstand the tremendous short circuit forces. Separate coils of wire are assembled and mounted on suitable laminated iron cores. The use of hot air baking and high vacuum resulting in high velocity air which cuts down the skin resistance of the insulation to heating and the heating-up time. When the final drying process which is free of both moisture and air have been completed, the dielectric fluid is run into the treating tank to completely immerse the coils for the absorption of water and allows the units to be handled before dropping into their own enclosures. The contributions of the chemical engineer are many and varied. In both the application of basic chemical knowledge and in the electrical design, the use of the chemical engineer principles and the solving skills in electrical manufacturing problems helped to supplement the specialized knowledge of the electric engineer in the processes involving physical and chemical changes. The cooperation of electrical engineers and chemical engineers has created many beneficial and useful tools in our life. b) â€Å"Getting students to approach microelectronics Processing as Chemical Engineer† by Koretsky et al. The article is about the ways of getting students to approach microelectronics processing as a chemical engineer. About 70% of the B. S. ChE graduates from Oregon State University (OSU) have been employed in the microelectronics industries. To enable the students to apply core ChE skills towards microelectronics processing, experiences in the microelectronics processing are being synthesized into the undergraduate program on four levels – Lab-based microelectronics unit operations, Options programs utilizing Thin Film Materials Processing (ChE 444/544), Multiple Engineering Co-op program (MECOP) Internship Program, and Undergraduate Research Projects and the University Honors College. In the lab-based microelectronics unit operations, there are six unit operations (Plasma Etching, Chemical Vapor Decomposition, Spin Coating, Electrochemical Decomposition, Silicon Oxidation and Chemical Mechanical Planarization) containing complex systems that involve the interaction of physical and chemical processes. Both lab-based and class room based instruction are carried out to reinforce the fundamental engineering science taught in the curriculum. Students are required to integrate into the lab based on the Unit Operations Laboratories (ChE 414 and 415) and Thin Film Materials Processing (ChE 444). The first quarter of the two-quarter senior lab sequence (ChE 414) focuses on the students to complete 3 unit operation experiments while the second quarter of the senior lab course (ChE 415) focuses on the students to work independently, develop a project proposal, complete experimental work and write a final technical memorandum. Class room based instruction will give out example exercise or homework problems to be integrated into a core chemical engineering science or design course to draw upon core fundamentals. Some ABET criteria are also considered in the microelectronics unit operations so that the students can master both technical skills and professional practices (effective oral and written communications, project planning, time management, interpersonal interaction, teamwork, and proactive behavior). Students can choose the program they prefer from transcript visible Options in the microelectronics processing or material science and engineering, but Thin Film Materials Processing (ChE 444) is a must for the students. The course is to help the students to broaden and strengthen the undergraduate ChE curriculum. The Film Materials Processing (ChE 444) is mainly focusing on the application of core chemical engineering sciences (transport. kinetics, thermodynamics and reactor design) to thin film process. This approach creates a mind set in the process engineer to apply engineering skills in problem solving. Guest seminars are important feature of this course. Popular industrial scientists are brought to share their industrial perspective and lectures in their areas of specialization. After the seminar, the students are required to submit a critical analysis on the talk to catalyze interest effectively and show the interaction between the speakers and the class. A Final Design Project consisting of a detailed design of an apparatus for a given thin film process, performed in teams, is a Final Exam for the students. Written report have to be prepared to explain and justify the design whereas oral presentation of the design is made to their classmates for critique. The Multiple Engineering Co-op program (MECOP) offers two six-month internship program at different companies so that the student gets exposure to contrasting industrial environments. Written applications and an interview process are carried out when placing a student into an internship program. Second interview is held to focus on the students’ abilities and interests. There are midterm and final appraisals at the company where the intern is working. The intern’s performance and the company’s supervision are evaluated by the intern and the supervisor. The undergraduate research projects and the University Honors College (UHC) play a key role in getting students to approach microelectronics processing as a chemical engineer. Undergraduate research is to promote active learning. Undergraduates work with graduate students on independent, creative research projects to pursue independent long-term initiatives and to follow an idea to its logical conclusion. The University Honors College (UHC) Senior Thesis is not only a UHC curriculum, but an incredibly rewarding learning tool that provides the students with the skills to undertake similar projects in their Masters Program or career field. Chemical engineer is a professional skilled in the manufacture of chemical products. They use their specialized chemical knowledge and chemical engineer principles to create functional tools in our life. How to cite Chemical Engineering, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Professional IT for Artificial Intelligence - myassignmenthelp.com

Question: Discuss about theProfessional IT Culturefor Artificial Intelligence. Answer: Introduction Technology has always pointed towards the automation of machines, more so through virtual systems that will inherently replace the need for human participation. Artificial intelligence is the technological element that deals with this automation, where technology will generally become independent of mankind. Now, while this outcome is favourable for the efficiency of daily operation, it does raise many serious ethical concerns. For one, most operations conducted today, irrespective of the field, require human judgement so as to protect peoples safety. Furthermore, it takes special subliminal attributes to conduct daily activities such as empathy and self-awareness, concepts that are not possessed by programmable systems (the AIs)(Bostrom Yudkowsky, 2011). A similar problem is exhibited in this paper, where a company in the automotive industry is faced with a serious ethical dilemma in deploying an untested AI vehicle. In light of this outcome, this short report analyzes the case stu dy from an ethical perspective. The ethical dilemma In the case study, an electric car-making company is sited, where for the last few years has been developing a self-driving car. This company has collected enough data to successfully support the deployment process. However, John, an AI consultant with the company feels that more tests are needed for AI systems to understand certain scenarios more so, those related to accidents incidences. To him, the machine learning process requires time to perfect the vehicles responses, especially when faced with life and death situations, an eventuality that is most likely to occur with a vehicle on the road. These sentiments are opposed by the company as they risk losing the market to the competitors who as may have developed a similar vehicle, having the same technology. Therefore, the company proposes that the extra tests suggested by John should be conducted after the car is launched on the road. Therefore, John must decide on whether to sign off on the project and risk the lives of the user s or stand up against the company wishes. In essence, he faces a battle between the growth of his career and the greater common good. Ethical response based on the consequences According to Burton et al (2017), self-autonomous cars will in the future serve as functioning members of the community as they will hold equal responsibility as humans. These machines will have to choose between what is good and what is bad, a great undertaking for an item lacking a conscious mind. Therefore, the developed vehicle at some point will face the dilemma of life and death, which based on the existing results requires further research and simulation. If launched, both the company and the costumers may end up facing many serious consequences(Burton, et al., 2017). For the company, and more so the AI consultant (John) his code of conduct will be on the line, having signed off on a project lacking the necessary accreditations. Moreover, his reputation as an AI consultant will be lost as he will hold all the blame for any eventualities. Consequently, the customers of the newly developed vehicles would face the gravest consequences, having placed their lives on a substandard system. In the event of an accident, they (the customers) could easily lose their lives, an outcome that would spell another consequence for the consultant as he could face criminal charges for endangering peoples lives(Bostrom, Ethical Issues in Advanced Artificial Intelligence, 2011). Application of principles (Consultant duties) Two major ethical issues are outlined in this case study, one, a misleading leadership as outlined by the companys management. Two, the dilemma of choosing between the common good of the people, and the growth of the consultant career. John, the AI consultant holds both a professional and moral obligation in ensuring that the outcomes of the project are favourable to the users. In fact, his actions, whether intentional or not are considered ethical if they promote the greater good of the people (Utility principle). Therefore, at a fundamental level, he must protect the end users as they stand to lose the most in the overall outcome(Mill, 2012). In addition to this, John must conduct himself in accordance with the code of conduct that requires him to apply his professional skills in the most accurate way. The correct way in this instance will have him giving a truthful opinion on the outcomes of the project. He must stand for the existing results that would see an untested system deployed onto the roads thus risk the lives of the motorists involved. In all, his conscious should propel him to preserve the greater good and not his career(Mill, 2012). Response of a caring person In general, a caring person is associated with heartfelt actions that promote the great good of the people regardless of the conditions or situation. Furthermore, caring people are associated with empathy, an experience or capacity of understanding situations based on other peoples perspective(Cottingham, 2010). Therefore, if faced with the ethical dilemma at hand, the actions of a caring person will be directed towards protecting the end user. For one, they will stand and fight for the extra tests needed by the vehicles AI system. Furthermore, they would protest the recommendation made by the company by outlining the risks involved regardless of the opposition they face. If this approach fails, the caring person would seek external help to try and stop the process as the overall consequences greatly out do the individual consequences (losing a job and career). In essence, the situation at hand would push a dedicated professional to become a whistle blower to the internal proceedings of an organization and its products. Relevant ACS codes of professional conduct The elements outlined in the ACSs code of conduct are a set of guidelines to ICT professionals who in their duties must honour and respect their actions as well as those of the end users. Furthermore, the ACS code of conduct that guides its users in responding to ethical dilemmas as it stipulates the actions that should be taken in a professional environment. Now, with respect to Johns situation, he as a professional consultant should offer the best and most optimal solution to the users. However, this solution should be based on the conducts outlined by the ACS as they seek to protect the common good. Honesty John should be true to his profession and to his customers who indirectly trust his judgement as well as the decisions he makes. This code calls for him as an honourable professional whose information, skills and conduct are based on honesty. Public interest the common good of the people as stipulated by the code where a professional must consider the people affected by their decisions. The end users may lose their lives, while the company itself may be subject to criminal litigation. Competence a professional should conduct his/her duties based on the mandates given by the industrial stakeholders. The customer is the most important stakeholder in this case. Professionalism a code that requires experts to promote the codes of conduct by aspiring to be a better professional. This requirement starts with protecting the greater good of the people(ACS, 2014). Defence for the AI consultant John as an AI consultant cannot perform the extra tests on his own, in fact, he requires additional resources to execute them. These resources include testing material/equipment which will incur additional expenses to the project. Furthermore, the tests will also require additional time, a resource the company currently lacks as their competitors are in the process of launching their own products. Therefore, considering the company at hand, John may also be considering the greater good of the organization and its employees who may lose their position if the project fails. Again, the project would fail if the company loses its market share to the competitors thus lack the necessary funds to compensate for the resources used in the development process(Wah, 2008). In addition to this, consider the individual himself, who as a consultant must adhere to the hiring company and his contractual obligations. If he signed off on the project, he would be trying to fulfil his role as requested by the employer, a stakeholder of the professional which as stated in the ethical conduct must be obeyed. Moreover, he also seeks to expand his career thus propel his life and that of his family to greater heights. Conclusion (summary) Despite the position held by the consultant, his focus should be on the greater good of the end user, who lacks the technical ability to understand the overall operation of the developed system. Therefore, the end-users (customers) inherently place their trust in the company which must conduct its duties in an ethical manner. The AI consultant should, therefore, side with the common good and stand with his opinion of conducting extra safety tests. Yes, the company may lose the market but this outcome is less consequential as compared to the loss of life. Furthermore, the consultant also faces an individual battle between self-preservation (growing his career) and his professional conduct. In this dilemma, he should place emphasis on the professional conduct by following the codes of ethics that in this case align with the common good. References ACS. (2014). ACS Code of Professional Conduct Professional Standards Board Australian Computer Society. Inspiring success, Retrieved 22 August, 2017, from: https://www.acs.org.au/content/dam/acs/acs-documents/ACS%20Code-of-Professional-Conduct_v2.1.pdf. Bostrom, N. (2011). Ethical Issues in Advanced Artificial Intelligence. Philosophy Faculty, Retrieved 22 August, 2017, from: https://www.nickbostrom.com/ethics/ai.pdf. Bostrom, N., Yudkowsky, E. (2011). The ethics of artificial intelligence. Cambridge Handbook Of Artificial Intelligence, Retrieved 24 April, 2017, from: https://www.nickbostrom.com/ethics/artificial-intelligence.pdf. Burton, E., Goldsmith, J., Koenig, S., Kuipers, B., N, M., Walsh, T. (2017). Ethical Considerations in Artificial Intelligence Courses. Retrieved 24 April, 2017, from: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1701.07769.pdf. Cottingham, J. (2010). EMPATHY AND ETHICS. Abstracta special issue, Retrieved 22 Auguts, 2017, from: . Mill. (2012). The principle of utility determines the rightness of acts (or rules of action?) by their effect on the total happiness. Retrieved 22 August, 2017, from: https://faculty.philosophy.umd.edu/PGreenspan/Crs/MILL.pdf. Wah, B. (2008). Ethics and professional responsibility in computing. Wiley encyclopaedia of computer science, Retrieved 22 August, 2017, from: https://www.ideals.illinois.edu/bitstream/handle/2142/12247/ecse909.pdf?sequence=2.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Joseph McCarthy Essays - Communism In The United States,

Joseph McCarthy Throughout the early 1950s, the nation was deeply engrossed in fears of a Communist takeover. At a time when Americas fears were at their very height, Joseph McCarthy, a Republican Senator from Wisconsin pushed Americas fears to an extreme. As a ploy to get himself re-elected, and to make America hate Communism as much as he did, the Senator devised a devious scheme. McCarthy, while giving a speech, held up a piece of paper and exclaimed, I have here a list of 57 known Communists who are currently employed by the U.S. State Department (Fried, 89). A few days later, McCarthy raised the number of people on the list from 57 to 205. The reaction to McCarthys announcement was absolute panic. Until that time, the nation had a sense of security. Now all peace of mind was lost, and America wanted these people that were on McCarthys so called Blacklist (Fried, 65). So began a long-term search by Congress to seek these individuals. One group that was extensively looked at was Hollywood. By Jos eph McCarthy abusing his powers, he not only destroyed many peoples lives, but he also wronged the American public. To begin with, the type of person that Joe McCarthy was must be considered. McCarthy was a hard-line Republican who played along strict party lines. By all considerations, he was an extremist or a reactionary. By holding a piece of paper, and saying that the enemy who everyone feared was so close, McCarthy diminished all thoughts that America was truly safe. The actual piece of paper was blank; McCarthy had no writing on the paper at all. He knew that by telling the people of the U.S. that the enemy was so close, he could finally see a war erected against Communism. He simply used the peoples ambitions and fears to make a mountain out of a molehill. Communism in America before McCarthys debacle was simply a buzzword. Everyone knew about it, but no one ever talked about it. The first knowledge many Americans had of Communism came from Winston Churchills Iron Curtain Speech (Matusow, 45). Churchill basically said in his speech that the Soviet Union was pushing forward a global Communis t takeover. And Churchill also said that he believed, We should not let such a force loose on the planet (Matusow, 46). That was the first time many American eyes were opened to Communism, and McCarthy made sure it was not the last. The entire chaos that Senator McCarthy caused had become collectively known as The Red Scare (Feuerlicht, 34). McCarthy used this entire Red Scare idea to boost his hopes for re-election. But an elected official is supposed to be a representative of the people. All McCarthy did was abuse his power and pull the wool over the peoples eyes. McCarthy did not work for the benefit of the people. He only worked for the benefit of himself. Next, the people whose lives McCarthy destroyed must be looked at. In the immediate aftermath of McCarthys speech came many accusations. America wanted the people that McCarthy said were on his list. But when asked for the list, McCarthy said he lost it, and he could not remember which individuals were on the list. But he said he did see some key Hollywood figures on it. That was when the focus shifted to all of Hollywood. If anyone thought that an actor or actress seemed suspicious, they would simply start gossip about them. Eventually, the special Congressional committee appointed to investigate the issue would hear of it. And when they did, they would bring the individual in question before Congress, and they would basically tear them apart. They would ask them about their lifestyles, their fellow employees, and their friends. And then they would determine if the individual in question were guilty or innocent. But it really made no difference if they were innocent or not. Once the y were brought before Congress, their careers were basically ruined. Movie companies refused to hire them. They were afraid that the people would boycott any movies they made, if they hired Communist sympathizers (Matusow, 88). And when the accused did get jobs, the people did not want to go see Dirty Communist bastards

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The History and Archaeology of the Silk Road

The History and Archaeology of the Silk Road The Silk Road (or Silk Route) is one of the oldest routes of international trade in the world. First called the Silk Road in the 19th century, the 4,500-kilometer (2,800 miles) route is actually a web of caravan tracks which actively funneled trade goods between Changan (now the present-day city of Xian), China in the East and Rome, Italy in the West at least between the 2nd century BC up until the 15th century AD. The Silk Road is first reported to have been used during the  Han Dynasty  (206 BC-220 AD) in China, but recent archaeological evidence including the domestication history of a series of animals and plants, such as barley, indicates that trade managed by the ancient steppe societies across the central Asian deserts began at least 5,000-6,000 years ago. Using a series of  way stations  and  oases, the Silk Road spanned the 1,900 kilometers (1,200 miles) of the Gobi Desert of Mongolia and the mountainous  Pamirs  (the Roof of the World) of Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan. Important stops on the Silk Road included Kashgar,  Turfan, Samarkand,  Dunhuang, and the  Merv Oasis. Routes of the Silk Road The Silk Road contained three major routes leading westward from Changan, with perhaps hundreds of smaller ways and byways. The northern route ran westward from China to the Black Sea; the central to Persia and the Mediterranean Sea; and the southern to the regions which now include Afghanistan, Iran, and India. Its fabled travelers included Marco Polo, Genghis Khan, and Kublai Khan. The Great Wall of China was built (in part) to protect its route from bandits. Historical tradition reports that the trade routes began in the 2nd century BC as the result of the efforts of Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty. Wudi commissioned Chinese military commander Zhang Qian to seek a military alliance with his Persian neighbors to the west. He found his way to Rome, called Li-Jian in documents of the time. One extremely important trade item was silk, manufactured in China and treasured in Rome. The process by which silk is made, which involves silkworm caterpillars fed on mulberry leaves, was kept secret from the west until the 6th century AD when a Christian monk smuggled caterpillar eggs out of China. Trade Goods of the Silk Road While important to keeping the trade connection open, silk was only one of many items passing across the Silk Roads network. Precious ivory and gold, food items such as pomegranates, safflowers, and carrots went east out of Rome to the west; from the east came jade, furs, ceramics, and manufactured objects of bronze, iron, and lacquer. Animals such as horses, sheep, elephants, peacocks, and camels made the trip, and, perhaps most importantly, agricultural and metallurgical technologies, information, and religion were brought with the travelers. Archaeology and the Silk Road Recent studies have been conducted at key locations along the Silk Route at the Han Dynasty sites of Changan, Yingpan, and Loulan, where imported goods indicate that these were important cosmopolitan cities. A cemetery in Loulan, dated to the first century AD, contained burials of individuals from Siberia, India, Afghanistan, and the Mediterranean Sea. Investigations at the Xuanquan Station Site of Gansu Province in China suggest that there was a postal service along the Silk Road during the Han Dynasty. A growing mass of archaeological evidence suggests that the Silk Road may have been in use long before Zhang Qians diplomatic journey. Silk has been found in the mummies of Egypt around 1000 BC, German graves dated to 700 BC, and 5th century Greek tombs. European, Persian and Central Asian goods have been found in the Japanese capital city of Nara. Whether these hints ultimately prove to be solid evidence of early international trading or not, the web of tracks called the Silk Road will remain a symbol of the lengths to which people will go to stay in touch. Sources Christian D. 2000. Silk roads or steppe roads? The Silk Roads in world history. Journal of World History 11(1):1-26.Dani AH. 2002. Significance of Silk Road to human civilization: Its cultural dimension. Journal of Asian Civilizations 25(1):72-79.Fang J-N, Yu B-S, Chen C-H, Wang DT-Y, and Tan L-P. 2011. Sino-Kharosthi and Sino-Brahmi coins from the silk road of western China identified with stylistic and mineralogical evidence. Geoarchaeology 26(2):245-268.Hashemi S, Talebian MH, and Taleqni EM. 2012. Determining the Position of Ahovan Caravansary in Silk Road Route. Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research 2(2):1479-1489.Liu S, Li QH, Gan F, Zhang P, and Lankton JW. 2012. Silk Road glass in Xinjiang, China: chemical compositional analysis and interpretation using a high-resolution portable XRF spectrometer. Journal of Archaeological Science 39(7):2128-2142.Toniolo L, DAmato A, Saccenti R, Gulotta D, and Righetti PG. 2012. The Silk Road, Marco Polo, a bible and its proteome: A detective story. Journal of Proteomics 75(11):3365-3373. Wang S, and Zhao X. 2013. Re-evaluating the Silk Roads Qinghai Route using dendrochronology. Dendrochronologia 31(1):34-40.

Friday, November 22, 2019

The Best Place To Put Social Media Buttons On Your Blog

The Best Place To Put Social Media Buttons On Your Blog Have you ever wondered  where the best place to put social media buttons on your blog is? If so, youre not alone. Back when we first added  social sharing analytics  to over a year ago,  I wondered  the same thing.  There are so many small tweaks that you can make to your blog layout thatll  improve conversions and reader experience.  Surely, I thought, there has to be a set of best practices for social media buttons as well. I set out to find all the data on which best influences social sharing on our blog.  What I found may actually surprise you.  Are you ready to see how you can improve social media sharing on your on blog? If so, read on! Im going to improve my #socialmedia button placement to get more social sharing. #blogging Why Worry About Social Media Buttons? This is a common question, and the answer is a bit more complicated than it might seem at first. In 2016, social media is as important as ever.  However, there is still some debate whether or not social media buttons drive clicks. Part of the reason for that discussion likely derives from how many blogs and sites implement social media buttons ineffectively. It's not entirely fair to judge a design decision that isn't set up for success, but we also don't want to make decisions that can't be supported by accurate data. That's why it's important to make sure you get the design and placement of your buttons correct. It's not enough that your buttons simply look good, or that they are just present somewhere on your pages. They need to be placed where they're going to catch your readers attention and make it easy to share your awesome content with their followers. So Many Options, So Many Opinions By now, you've probably gathered that there's  a lot of chatter about this topic. A quick Google search reveals  this discussion at Stack Exchange, which considers whether social media buttons should be placed at the beginning or end of a blog post. Despite all of the discussion, there is little evidence to back those ideas up. Even this conversation over at Moz.com fails to provide solid evidence on the subject. It seems like we may be just guessing. Can't we do better than that? To start digging, I looked  at what some of the most common options are. I started with the question, "Where do some of the biggest sites on the web place their social media buttons?" The answer? Everywhere! Popular Placement Options For  Social Media Buttons: Top of post  - Do users share before they actually read the article? This is one of the most common placement options frequently used by sites like TechCrunch and Mashable. Left of post -  Placing social buttons to the left of the blog post makes a lot of sense, as readers follow text left to right. This is the placement that we use here at . Right of post  - This one surprised me, but it is out there. Social Media Examiner is a good example of a site with this placement. Bottom of post  - Placing social media buttons at the bottom of the post was very common, and the only place you will find social buttons on Seth Godin's blog. Is he missing out on possible shares because of this placement? In-line of post  - A growing trend is to actually   place shareable content inline with the rest of your content. We do this regularly on our blog using our   plugin. No social buttons at all  - This is a surprising and growing trend heralded by sites like the Signal v. Noise blog by Basecamp. Are they hurting their chances for viral success? We'll look into this in a minute, but for now, that's the playing field. The question still lingers- where do these sharing buttons perform the best? The answer is, admittedly, a bit hard to find (which may be why so many sites place them so seemingly haphazardly) but there are certainly some big data points that we can examine to reach a conclusion. Data Point #1: Prominence Matters More Than Placement Popular social sharing tool AddThis provides some excellent insight on this topic.   Their advice to users is as follows: Pick a prominent position: The more visible the button is the more people will bookmark and share your content, which will lead more traffic back to your site. Keep your button near the top of the page: Avoid making your readers scroll to find your sharing button. It is okay to have the button at the top and bottom of the page, but users will find it easier at the top. Place the button in close proximity to the content being shared: This helps readers understand what they are sharing. Watch out for navigation:  Be careful about placing the button too close to navigation, so users don't interact with it by accident. From these tips, we can easily conclude that prominence matters more than placement when it comes to social media buttons. With the wrong placement, readers can easily mistake social buttons as ads or other navigation. This will likely result in lower usage for the buttons. Reading through the lines, we can also see that AddThis advocates  keeping social media buttons near the top-left side of the  page- a conclusion  that  is  supported by other sources. Data Point  #2:  Users Interact With The Top Left Side The Most According to usability icon Jacob Nielson and a study that he conducted in 2006,  eyetracking visualizations show that users often read Web pages in an F-shaped pattern: two horizontal stripes followed by a vertical stripe. Readers view your page in an F-style pattern. Keep this in mind when placing social media buttons. The  top left portion is the most-viewed part of the web page.  Ã‚  More eyes go there than anywhere else. This supports the idea that left and top are best choices for social share buttons, as indicated by AddThis. Readers view your page in an F-style pattern. Keep this in mind when placing #socialmedia buttons....Data Point #3:  Too Many Social Buttons Will Make Things Worse Doug Antkowiak  makes a great point about social media buttons on the Search Engine Journal blog. He points out that too many social buttons may negatively impact  the speed of your website. This is a big red flag, as site speed has been clearly linked to better readership and SEO performance. The most valuable conclusion that we can draw from this is that we should  limit the number of social media buttons that we display to as few as possible. The risks of slowing down our site just isn't worth it. Social media buttons provide one of those situations where more is not necessarily better. The data here continues: After polling 50 of the most popular websites in the world, Webaholic.co.in  found that Facebook and Twitter were easily the most-used social media buttons on the web with Linkedin and Google+ also showing strong results. They concluded that the utility of each of those networks fluctuated quite a bit depending on the audience type for each site. This evidence is backed up by  TrackMaven's  more polarizing  conclusion  after  examining nearly 2 billion social shares. Their data concluded that the vast majority of social shares take place on the top two social networks (Twitter and Facebook). Clearly, we don't need to include all networks to make a good use of social media buttons. In this report, TrackMaven reveals that 38.6% of social shares were on Twitter. Facebook â€Å"likes† and  Ã¢â‚¬Å"shares†Ã‚  accommodated  for another 60.3%. Data Point #4:  Under-Used Social Buttons Provide Negative Social Proof Social proof  is a psychological phenomenon where people use the actions of others to guide their own behavior. In essence, it's the  psychological term for "monkey see monkey do." As one of our own writers, Julie once pointed out: â€Å"Social proof is a shortcut in the thought process. We don’t have to think. The others already did (we assume).† The reality is that social proof plays a big role in social sharing and can make a big impact on the success of social media buttons. Negative social proof diminishes the value of the social sharing button. In a now classic A/B test,  Taloon.com   (a Finland-based hardware eCommerce store) found that social media buttons were actually hurting their conversion rates. When they removed the social media buttons from their page, they recorded an 11.9% increase in CTA clickthroughs as compared to the original page. If the results surprise you, you can read more here, but social proof gives us a clear answer for this result. Because very few people actually  Ã¢â‚¬Å"like† product pages, the near zero results on social media buttons were actually providing negative social proof- preventing users from purchasing what they were perceiving as an unpopular product. As Chris Coyer points out on his CSS-Tricks blog, "low numbers can look embarrassing." Near zero results on #socialmediabuttons may actually be providing near-negative social proof....Data Point #5: Social Sharing Buttons Can Bring Traffic In one of the more complete (but not scientific) studies on the value of social sharing buttons, blogger  Joshua Benton concludes that many news organizations receive 20% of their Twitter traffic from Tweet buttons available on their page. That's actually a pretty big deal! For example, 16.3 percent of tweets to the New York Times in his tests actually came from a Twitter social media button on the site itself. For the  Wall Street Journal, the share rate was more like  20.2 percent. Not bad, huh?  Social media buttons can help traffic after all. 20.2%  of tweets to the #WallStreetJournal actually came from their Twitter share button.One point to keep in mind, however, is that Twitter recently  removed the ability for social sharing buttons to display their sharing stats  for that platform. So, while the presence of a button to tweet an article may help boost shares, publishers have lost the benefit of positive social proof that comes from having a stat counter. That makes it tougher to see how many times your posts are getting tweeted, but  if you have some technical skills, Google has a partial solution using Google Analytics. It won't let you display within your social sharing widget how may times a post was shared on Twitter, but it can at least help you know for yourself if readers are clicking your Twitter button. Data Point #6: Negative  Sentiment Against Social Sharing Buttons Is Gaining Momentum, But Why? Despite the results from the New York Times and The  Wall Street Journal, not all publications have seen the same success. UK blog  Inside GOV.UK  reported a paltry 0.2% increase in shares after adding social media buttons to their site. While buttons being placed at the bottom of the page couldn't have helped, their results are in line with conclusions developed by Luke Wroblewski, who felt that only 0.25% of Tweets were actually attributable to a social media button after analyzing more than 18 million page views. Others, like Signal v. Noise just prefer the way their site looks and loads without them and believes that if someone wants to share their content, they will find a way. To each their own, of course, but there is definitely some truth in the matter. Just a quick survey around the office concludes that  most social sharing takes place outside of the article itself, and can be attributed to a  variety  of other tools. A few  examples of this include: Buffer Chrome Extensions Other Social Browser Extensions Feedly, FlipBook, and Other RSS/Content Readers Mobile browsers Pocket And more than we can list Conclusion: Where Is The Best Place To Put Social Media Buttons On My Blog? The opinions about social sharing buttons are wide, but often not particularly deep. Reality is, that it just depends on your own blog and audience type. But, being the adventurous sort that I am, I think that we can easily answer this question (at least to find what's true in most cases). And the winner is...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

'Future of Multimedia' Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

'Future of Multimedia' - Essay Example The pursuit has resulted in comfort and color in life. The technological era introduced advanced machines and other tools that laid a foundation for what we have today. The industrial age gave rise to the field of science and technology and efforts started on laboratory level for the benefit and well being of mankind. Amongst those efforts was the approach towards the media, communication and technology. While communication routes can be traced back to early years 20th century when Wright brothers (Heppenheimer, 2003) successfully launched an aero plane which was more of a glider. This was first of few steps towards the transition that was bound to become part of the human life. It was soon followed by communication in terms of wireless systems and later wired mode of transmissions in later years of the century. The middle decades of 20th century saw introduction of television and other modes of communication which were the sign of events to come. Multimedia according to Tay Vaughan is defined as set of mediums that are grouped together to make up one large entity that fulfils the requirements in number of ways. It mainly includes graphical, textual format of content (Green & Brown,page 2, 2002). Like every other system, the entity of multimedia has gone through various stages and has reached the point where we see it today, where depiction of nearly everything is possible through multi media. What we see today is a reformed shape of multimedia that has gone through many phases of improvements and transitions. Since multimedia is in various forms around us each of them has undergone transition in its own way. Multimedia in a way has replaced the old means of communication, while newspapers were heavily relied on for information and keeping in touch with the outside world, multimedia sources have made it possible to watch the news life as it happens without the need of waiting for next morning to receive the newspaper. Post mails would take days to reach the des ired persons; electronic mails have replaced them that enable instantaneous contact. With digital graphics all around, multimedia finds its applications in the field of advertising. Every channel is dependent on the advertisements for managing the finances and expenses, attractive multimedia techniques are naturally bound to attract customers towards themselves, therefore they are thickly used for the advertising campaigns. The usage of multimedia is not just limited to marketing, rather in the educational institutes and corporate enterprises, projectors and presentations are in daily use for presentations. In the field of engineering, besides the signal processing techniques, large number of softwares are implemented that are used in building constructions, bridges and dams constructions, all courtesy the multimedia and invention of computers. A secret behind the massive invasion of multimedia over our society is the feature of creativity. Ability of making all those things which w ere only limited to imagination and fantasies. While flying was once only dreamed of, it has become possible. Similarly communication without wires was only an imagination; today it has become a fact. Creativity can be seen in form of the presentation and graphical colors all

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Statistical Problem Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Statistical Problem - Essay Example However since it is an online poll, it is difficult to know about the demographical state of those who participated in the poll exactly. Moreover since the poll was conducted during the week end itself it would be rather obvious that all people who were on vacation or at a military cemetery would not be in front of their PC in order to participate in the poll. Hence such a poll would seem very unsuitable, unless if it were carried before the weekend. Simple random sampling is the basic sampling technique where we select a group of subjects (a sample) for study from a larger group (a population). Each individual is chosen entirely by chance and each member of the population has an equal chance of being included in the sample. Every possible sample of a given size has the same chance of selection. c. Based on the above, if we consider the stratified sample of 25 high schools, the number of schools which would be selected with a percent free lunch value between 30 and 40 would be 8% of 25 which equals to 0.08 X 25 =

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Costing Methods Pape Essay Example for Free

Costing Methods Pape Essay Write a paper of no more than 700 words addressing the following questions:  · What strategies did the management of Super Bakery, Inc. use?  · Why did Super Bakery’s management think it was necessary to install an ABC system? Do you agree with their reasoning? If you disagree, identify your recommended costing system, including your rationale, to management.  · Would a job order cost system or a process order cost system work for Super Bakery. Why or why not? Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. College is too important not to give it your all, no matter what you face throughout your collegiate career. Hopefully, this article has given you some very useful advice that will help make college life easier for you and getting to that all important graduation day with confidence a little less challenging. In this document ACC 561 Assignment Week 4 Costing Methods Paper there is a review of the following parts: Strategy ABC Installation Cost System Conclusion Business Accounting Resource: Accounting Read BYP17-5, titled Communication Activity, in the Ch. 17 â€Å"Broadening Your Perspective† section of Accounting . Write a paper of no more than 700 words addressing the following questions:  · What strategies did the management of Super Bakery, Inc. use?  · Why did Super Bakery’s management think it was necessary to install an ABC system? Do you agree with their reasoning? If you disagree, identify your recommended costing system, including your rationale, to management. To get more course tutorials visit https://bitly.com/12Binkm College is something that you want to make sure that youre ready for as much as possible. While you have to live into much of it, there are many things you have to do ahead of time in order to make sure youre successful. Make sure you continue reading in order to find out the information you need. Business Accounting

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Perfect World in The Island Of Doctor Moreau :: Island Of Doctor Moreau Essays

The Perfect World in The Island Of Doctor Moreau For thousands of years man has dreamed of finding or creating a better world. Better worlds are even quoted in the bible, 'Moses led the Jews into the chosen land' and also Heaven. For a long time man has realised that nothing is perfect, even at the inner depths of his/her psyche, images created cannot be perfect. The Island Of Doctor Moreau, written by HG Wells, is a book based on many themes, one of them 'Creating a Perfect World,' is a theme that keeps coming back to the reader. It could be said that perfect is the literacy term for infinity, something that you can get close to, but, is really unachievable. Throughout the book each character tries to perfect some of their own problems. The prominent of these characters is Prendick, the protagonist, he is from upper class England and is considered a Gentlemen. When Prendick is on the island, he faces a world entirely different to his own. He quoted how the island brought back many of his youthful horrors, like the boogieman. Prendick desperately tries to go Doctor Moreau to change his ways but feels that the whole world is against him. It is summed up in this quote, "I must confess I lost faith in the sanity of the world when I saw it suffering the painful disorder of this island. A blind fate, a vast pitiless mechanism, seemed to cut and shape the fabric of existence, and I, Moreau (by passion of research), Montgomery (by passion of drink) and the Best People, all with their instincts and mental restrictions, were torn and crushed, ruthlessly, inevitably, amid the infinite complexity of its incessant wheels." Through out the ordeal Prendick is mentally tested, as mentioned in the quote above. As a result of this had to lower his moral codes and guidelines, thus had trouble controlling his emotions. At time he was accepting, passionate, sympathetic, angry, scared, murderous and confused. Through these display of emotions Prendick found it hard to better the people around him when he was not even sure of himself. Another character is Doctor Moreau, who also tries to perfect his 'world.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Explain How Important the Nurse Patient Relationship Essay

Peplau (1952) observed the nurse as a fundamental tool for change whilst explaining how powerful the nurse-patient relationship is. The nurse approaches the relationship with understanding and experience obtained personally through their lives but also through their training and work. Generally, it is considered the more training and work experience a nurse has, the more therapeutically effective they are likely to be but this is not always the case. Stuart and Sudeen (1997). There are many influences on the relationship that can both obstruct or benefit the nurse-patient relationship. Having a supportive, open, non-judgmental nature aids effective patient-nurse interactions which are important to reduce patient’s vulnerability and distress. Being there for patients reflects not only a positive, welcoming attitude of the nurse, but shows commitment, respect and value to the patient. Presence is defined as physical and psychological being so a nurse ‘being’ with a patient is essential for the purpose of meeting the patient’s health care needs. A nurse must take time to listen and understand the patients experience without being non judgmental, and to deliver the care needs of the patient. A central aim of building a relationship includes initiating supportive interpersonal communication in order to understand perceptions and needs of others. Reynolds and Scott (1999)This assignment will explain how aspects of the nurse-patient relationship are necessary for the provision of patient-focused care within any branch of nursing. The nurse patient relationship depends on the attitude and personality of the nurse. As a mental health nurse student, forming a positive, trusting relationship firstly involves the process of relaying information and paying attention to non-verbal cues such as body language and eye contact. Both the NICE guidance and the NHS Constitution () stress the importance of good communication between healthcare professionals and patients. Non verbal messages transfer both positive and negative signals. From the patients point of view, positive signals can express that the nurse is approachable, trusting and has an interest to care and communicate appropriately with their needs. This is indicated via listening without judging and responding whilst understanding to help create therapeutic relationships. Even without the patient being vocal or asking for anything, the art of the nurse profession is noticing when something is wrong and delivering good practice based on respect and dignity. Both nurses and patients may adapt non verbal negative cues such as bad posture, facial expression, or space boundaries which indicate at first impression vulnerability or distress. Using body language plays an important role in building rapport with patients as some body postures may not facilitate certain patients. Evaluating body language is also part of the nurse accessing the patient, whilst considering their future clinical relationship as it involves data collection, both physically and psychologically that may be useful in assessment, diagnosis, treatment and care plans. every interaction whether verbal or non verbal between the nurse and patient is placed within the overall context of a relationship. Throughout the course of a student nurses training, social interactions are part of learning to become a skilled nurse. As such, nursing is a social activity and nurses need to be socially competent. They must be skilled in the art of interpersonal communication and human relationship building. Professional codes of practice dictate that nurses are capable of relating therapeutically with patients as more than passive recipients of care. Relationships between patient and nurses humanise healthcare because they are part of the vehicles of which nurses respond to patient’s subjective experience through building rapour and knowing exactly what the patient’s needs are. As well as the strong relationships with patients, nurses express concern, care and commitment The profession of nursing is both an art and a science. While nursing Practice links the art and science of nursing, nursing education focuses on The scientific behavioural outcomes of learning content knowledge and nursing Skills. As Communication with patients is a primary responsibility for a nurse, it is imperative nurses can communicate with different patients hat require different approaches to communications. Depending on a patient’s age, personality, culture,, current medical condition, and other factors, nurses often find their normal methods of communication are ineffective. In these situations, and for patients health needs, knowing a variety of communication techniques is invaluable. Cultural background, race, and ethnicity play an important role in a patient’s life. Not only do these factors play a part treatment and diagnoses, but also in their state of mind and emotional approach to nursing care which could cause problems with the nurse-patient relationship.. Understanding differences socially such as family life, and cultural habits, physical differences, and other defining attributes helps nurses understand how best to help their patients. Sensitivity and knowledge cultural diversity makes in building a healthy nurse-patient relationship. The age of a patient also has a significant impact on the nurse-patient relationship. Children and the elderly require different treatment options and approaches to the relationship than middle-aged adults. Other family members are routinely involved to varying degrees, and heavily influendepending on the age of the patient. For example, the relationship between a nurse and a patient who suffers from dementia will greatly rely on the relationship between nurse and family members to gain information to contribute towards holistic care. Not only will the care of a patient vary with their age, but so does their ability to communicate and participate in decision-making, which also affects the nurse-patient relationship. By its very nature, the nurse-patient relationship demonstrates a difference of power. The nurse is viewed to have a more extensive knowledge base in terms of care and treatment options and so the patient must rely on their nurse to advice and guide them through the best treatment options for their needs whether mental or physical. This is why it is essential to be naturally compassionate, empathetic, approachable, trustworthy, emotionally strong, caring, and motivated towards treatment and recovery. As well as having particular personal skills, the nurse should involve the patient, whilst giving choices in everyday care in a holistic way. Holism is defined within nursing to consider the physical, emotional, social, economic, and spiritual needs of patients, their response to their illnesses, and the effect of illness on patients’ abilities to meet self-care needs Mosby (2001). For example, it is a nurses duty to discuss and provide information about treatment, therefore it is important for patient participation at all times, allowing the patient, choice, respect, dignity and involving them in their care plan taking into consideration their social pattern which could include daily routine, mobility and diet. pirituality and fulfilment are also important factor of the nurse patient relationship as this includes important areas such as respect/knowledge for religion, hobbies, belongingness and self expression.. if these core factors are engaged and attained successfully, the relationship is trusting, informative and also beneficial to not only a patient mental but physical health.. If the nurse-patient relationship shows no rapport or the nurse has failed to interact without using a holistic approach, then the patient may rebel to accepting treatment which could lead to a lengthened time for recovery causing further distress. it is important to understand patients may be feeling venerable and so nurses should never assume control and feelings of the patient as this does not promote the correct therapeutic trusting relationship, it promotes empowerment and discomfort. As a mental health nurse student, situations like this have been observed and this type of practice and lack of intervention with patients can easily arise causing much psychological distress and an uncooperative relationship for future treatment. Having previous experiences with a particular patient group, (even though all patients are unique and individual) can also contribute effectively towards the care and goals a nurse aims to achieve collaboratively with their patient and other health care professionals. Being focused on patients whilst offering professional judgement and care through personal experiences indicate the nurse is not only professional about her role but also empathetic towards her patients. Caring is a vital human interaction. In nursing, caring articulates how the nurse delivers the skills and knowledge of the professional interactions between the nurse and the patient. Being both empathic and sympathetic will reduce the patient’s distress and resolve difficulties as the relationship is based on a helping relationship engaging in mutual endeavours. A nurse who has built a good relationship with a patient by informing and allowing them to make choices will also to be in a strong position to have a non-judgemental conversation with them, whilst applying good clinical judgement that is in the best interest of the patient based on the relationship that has been formed. Given the close, personal nature involved in the role of a nurse,, it is easy to let professional boundaries blur. Nurses today are encouraged to take a more human, holistic approach to patient care. That increased sensitivity and attention to the emotional side of a patient’s treatment can easily lead to a loss of the professional distance nurses must maintain. Learning to balance care and compassion, while maintaining a professional distance is a difficult task to master, even for experienced nurses. However, it is imperative that nurses find and maintain that balance. Government regulations, malpractice insurance and disciplinary measures ensure that nurses who routinely cross the line and inappropriately blur professional boundaries no longer practice. Nursing Practice Standards state is it normal for a patient to feel gratitude towards a nurse who has helped them through a difficult medical treatment. However, there are standards nurses must follow when giving and receiving gifts, or other instances that may blur the line between personal and professional involvement. In small communities or in cases where a nurse cares for close friends or family, it is even harder to maintain professional standards. However, there are rules and standards for every profession, including nursing. There are ethical codes of conduct and actions for which all nurses are held accountable, no matter the patient.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Ideal Work Environment (Iaps) Essay

Compensation: Our employees will be compensated by receiving a good compensation package for both the benefit of the company and the employee. The compensation package will include: †¢20% more income than the average salary per month †¢Guaranteed raises and bonuses based on job performance and/or time with company †¢Paid Volunteer Days †¢Time off unpaid †¢Vacation Pay †¢Health Insurance †¢Use of the company car Also, our company awards bonuses based on merit, these are non cash bonuses known as ‘Employee of the Month’, bonus day off, or a good parking space. Management: There are many qualities that make a good boss. At Honda Automotive Design Engineering, we have hired a boss that respects and has acquired all the expectations to lead this company to success and help improve the work environment in the building with weekly interactions with the employees. An effective boss will: 1. Set clear expectations 2. Coaches (someone who educates and encourages his employees as well as leads the company) 3. Gives feedback 4. Is inclusive 5. Gets to know employees 6. Works fearlessly 7. Is open and truthful (communication is essential) We view The Discussing Style as an effective management style because it promotes learning through interaction. In this style the manager encourages  critical thinking and lively discussion by asking employees questions about the problem, opportunity, or issue that must be resolved. The manager is a facilitator guiding the discussion to a logical conclusion. This style is effective because it’s based on communication, coaching, decision-making and recognition. Conflict: As executive officers, we manage workplace conflict by playing the role as an integrator. We seek to hear a variety of reasonable opinions and have an exchange of information before making a decision. This style of managing workplace conflict encourages creative thinking and is effective at problem-solving when issues are complex but it does take time. Hiring: This company hires employees that are compromisers when it comes to either conflict-management styles or working at this company in general. When compromising at this company, we force taking something from all parties involved and giving up something in return. When all parties to a decision are knowledgable and have good suggestions, this style results in good decisions. But when some parties contributing to the discussion are not fully informed, the final decision can be weak and we do not tolerate alienation, avoiding or domination. We are looking for 3 types of positions: Architects, Mechanic/Engineers, Designers (All must have a designing degree). Culture: At Honda Automotive Design Engineering, we create a community feeling in the building. Our offices are designed for employees to have lots of space, freedom and wide communication with the other employees. To prevent worker alienation, we have created our offices to be a happy and comforting atmosphere and in order to do that we changed plain, boring, simple office spaces into warm colourful walls and more open space for communication but  also providing separation walls so the room does not becoming loud or chaotic, enough for a functioning workplace. Recruiting the best employees possible will be simple giving them special accommodations, for engineers we provide them with tons of space in the building and utilities. For designers, we provide all the utilities, essentials, workspace and organization products (files, compartments etc.). Equity: To meet the needs of a diverse worker population, we aim for employees with different ethnicities and personalities. We ensure that the work environment is a safe space free of harassment by 24/7 security on building grounds, employees have the right to complain and/or notify authorities and the manager, and we hire employees that are open-minded about gender, race, religion and sexual orientation. We do not tolerate any kind of harassment in the workplace and we also provide rules towards that topic. The Honda Automotive Design Engineering is redesigned to maximize productivity and employee satisfaction for the work environment. On the graph 7.6 (page. 206), we think that our employees would rate their job/workplace regarding economics fairly well because we provide job security, fair/reasonable pay, health plans and a paid vacation. Also, Contribution and involvement would be rated excellent because we allow employees to work the way they want in their office space, they can make a difference to improve the companies growth and production as well as participate in decision-making.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

How to Write a Descriptive Paragraph

How to Write a Descriptive Paragraph A descriptive paragraph is a focused and detail-rich account of a specific topic. Paragraphs in this style often have a concrete focus- the sound of a waterfall, the stench of a skunks spray- but can also convey something abstract, such as an emotion or a memory. Some descriptive paragraphs do both. These paragraphs help readers  feel  and  sense  the details that the writer wants  to convey. To write a descriptive paragraph, you must study your topic closely, make a list of the details you observe, and organize  those details  into a logical  structure. Finding a Topic The first step in writing a strong descriptive paragraph is identifying your topic. If you received a specific assignment or already have a topic in mind, you can skip this step. If not, its time to start brainstorming. Personal belongings and familiar locations are useful  topics. Subjects that you care about and know well often make for rich, multilayered descriptions.  Another good choice is an object that at first glance doesnt seem to warrant much description, like a spatula or a pack of gum. These seemingly innocuous objects  take on entirely unexpected dimensions and meanings when captured in  a well-crafted descriptive paragraph. Before you finalize your choice, consider the goal of your descriptive paragraph. If youre writing description for descriptions sake, youre free to choose any topic you can think of, but many descriptive paragraphs are part of a larger project, such as a personal narrative or an application essay. Make  sure the topic of your descriptive paragraph aligns with the broader goal of the project. Examining and Exploring Your Topic After youve selected a topic, the real fun begins: studying the details. Spend time closely examining the subject of your paragraph. Study it from every possible angle, beginning with the five senses: What does the object look, sound, smell, taste, and feel like? What are your own memories of or associations with the object?   If your topic is larger than a single object- for example, a location or a memory- you should examine all of the sensations and experiences associated with the topic. Lets say your topic is your childhood fear of the dentist. The list of details might include your white-knuckled grip on the car door as your mother tried to drag you into the office, the gleaming white smile  of the dental assistant who never remembered your name, and the industrial buzz of the electric toothbrush.   Dont worry about writing full sentences or arranging the details into a logical paragraph structure during the prewriting phase. For now, simply write down every detail that comes to mind. Organizing Your Information After youve compiled a lengthy list of descriptive details, you can begin assembling those details into a paragraph.  First, consider  again the goal of your descriptive paragraph. The details you choose to  include in the paragraph, as  well  as  the details you choose to  exclude, signal to the reader how you feel about the  topic. What message, if any, do you want the description to convey?  Which details best convey that message? Reflect on these questions as you begin constructing the paragraph. Every descriptive paragraph will take a somewhat different form, but the following model is a straightforward way to get started:  Ã‚   A topic sentence  that identifies the topic and briefly explains its significanceSupporting sentences that describe the topic in specific, vivid ways,  using the details youve  listed during brainstormingA concluding sentence that circles back  to the topics  significance Arrange the details in an order that makes sense for your topic. (You could easily describe a room from back to front, but that same structure would be a confusing way to describe a tree.) If you get stuck, read model descriptive paragraphs for inspiration, and  dont be afraid to experiment with different arrangements. In your final draft,  the details should follow  a logical pattern, with each sentence connecting to the sentences that come before and after it. Showing, Not Telling Remember to  show,  rather than  tell, even in your topic and concluding sentences. A topic sentence that reads, I am describing my pen  because I love to write is  obvious telling (the fact that youre describing your pen should be self-evident from the paragraph itself)  and unconvincing (the reader cannot  feel  or  sense  the strength of your love of writing). Avoid tell statements by keeping your list of details handy at all times. Heres an example of a topic sentence that  shows  the subjects significance through the use of detail:  My ballpoint pen is my secret writing partner: the baby-soft tip glides effortlessly across the page, somehow seeming to pull my thoughts down from my brain and out through my fingertips. Edit and  Proofread Your Paragraph The writing process isnt over until your paragraph has been edited and proofread. Invite  a friend or teacher to read your paragraph and provide feedback. Assess whether the paragraph clearly conveys the message you intended to express. Read your paragraph aloud to check for awkward phrasing or cumbersome sentences. Finally, consult a proofreading checklist to confirm that your paragraph is free of minor errors.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

How to get the most out of your internship and actually learn something

How to get the most out of your internship and actually learn something Internships are great learning experiences. You get to dip a toe in your chosen industry, and either start working toward the future job you want, or decide that hey, maybe it’s not for you after all. (It happens.) But how do you maximize your relatively short time at your internship? What are you supposed to take from it, besides a resume point? One word: networking. Networking, or forming relationships with people in your professional field, is one of the most important things you can do at every level of your career. And when you’re just starting out in an internship, you have the opportunity to start building that network the right way. Here are 4 strategies you can use as an intern to get that network up and running.1. Don’t blow off company events.Company events can be awkward and boring, sure, but they also have two things going for them: 1) free food (usually); and 2) people congregating in one place. So if your internship company advertises any kind of g roup event that’s open to employees, you should go, even if it’s not mandatory. Company softball game, and you can’t throw? Go and sit in the stands and make friends. Book party for that executive who wrote a super-boring treatise on project management? Go, eat some cheese cubes, and chat with people from departments other than your own. Any event can be useful for networking, as long as you’re up for it. And even if you’re an introvert, don’t let that stop you.2, Organize your own events.As an intern, it can feel like you’re on the low end of the power scale, but that doesn’t mean you can’t try to make inroads with the people around you. You might not want to start by inviting the CEO for drinks, but you can try to organize lunches with your fellow interns, or some kind of after-work activity where you invite some of the people you work with.3. Ask for references before you leave.Don’t be shy! Before you wrap up your internship, ask key people if you can use them as a recommendation for future jobs. This way, you’re not only cementing your network contact, but also setting up a framework for actually asking for a reference later. Most people will likely say yes, but if you get a â€Å"no,† don’t sweat it- just move on to someone who might be more appropriate or willing to provide you a reference.4. Stay in touch.Before you leave the company at the end of summer or your internship period, send a thank you to everyone you’ve worked with- everyone who’s helped you in some way. Get business cards or contact information, then make an effort to stay in touch. LinkedIn is a great way to do this, but it’s also good to drop an email once in a while, ask how things are going these days at Corporate Corp., and let them know what you’re up to as well. Maintaining network relationships isn’t that hard, unless you let them lapse and have to awkwardl y start from the beginning when you need something later.Whatever on-the-job expertise you gain from your internship, the longer-term benefits are likely to come from the relationships you form while working there. Make sure you’re making the most of your time at any company, no matter how you feel about the work.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Tesla Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Tesla - Research Paper Example The company makes profits by selling of these components to other manufacturers that cannot produce manufacture them. Tesla stores and its galleries is one of the major ways through which the company markets its products. The company also makes use of the internet as one of the major display marketing option for online consumers. This enables the company to sell its products to consumers all over the world. With over 80 stores and galleries distributed all over, the world, specifically in Europe, Asia and North America, the company has managed to amass sales and remain ahead in the competition. This makes it always remain as a fierce competitor in the industry. The paper below discusses the financial performance of company, its value on the market using both intrinsic and market values, the ROIC, WACC and other aspects that relate to the growth and development of the company. Intrinsic value relates to the value that an asset is actually worth besides the market value. The intrinsic value relates to the real value, whereby if a disposal of the asset were to occur at that time, the company would manage to retrieve that value from its sale. What value will the buyer find the asset worth? Market values have many influences that may affect the price. These range from the aspects of inflation, recession, and speculations that surround the market activities. An intrinsic value considers the call and put options. Intrinsic value considers the value of an asset in and of itself without consideration of other external factors. Value investors consider this value of an asset in most occasions because it gives nearly the true value of the asset, thereby making investors more confident in buying the asset. These investors, when seeking a company to invest in, consider this value to give them a better understanding of the asset or company in relation to its true value. Intrinsic value determines the value of the stock in itself. This occurs through a number of ways.