Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Australian Schools Deal Well with Diversity and Difference

Question: Do Australian schools manage assorted variety and contrast? In your conversation ensure you allude to instructive strategies and genuine referenced guides to help your perspective? Answer: Measurements has indicated that more than 40 % of the Australians are conceived or possibly their folks are brought into the world abroad. Individuals in Australia are originating from in excess of 200 nations who talk very nearly 300 unique sorts of dialects. It incorporates the 50 indigenous dialects that have acquired assorted variety the strict practices, customs and dialects. The school and universities in Australia mirror the developing strict and phonetic assorted variety that has been reflected by the country. The understudies going to a similar school and originating from a similar neighborhood will come to class with various requirements and their social back ground will be unique (Australiancurriculum.edu.au, 2013). In this exposition I will contend about the impact of the propensities for the understudies and the instructors on the achievement of the understudies. I will likewise feature on the manners by which the counter oppressive acts of the instructors can impact the conduct of the understudies. The social multiplication hypothesis has been utilized to clarify the social decent variety of the nation. I will concentrate because of ethnicity on the life of the understudies in Australia. The Australian schools reflect bigotry. Prejudice is found in the schools and universities in Australia regarding bigot misuse, segregation and provocation (Ramesh, 2013). Life chances are the hypothesis introduced in sociology that considers the chances of the person so as to improve their personal satisfaction. The idea is probabilistic in nature. There are sure factors that will impact the life of an individual and turn it in a specific way. The financial status of an individual has positive relationship with the existence odds of the person. In this setting I need to make reference to that sex and class are the most touchy ideas of the social hypothesis (Walder, Li Treiman, 2000). The image of the hypothesis of life chances can be clarified that is held by the individuals living in Australia. The Australians esteem the manners by which the legislature has proposed to keep up the wellbeing and prosperity of the individuals which is imparted to the instructive accomplishment of the person. However, it has been accounted for that in excess of four fifth of the kids originating from the low pay families in Australia (having a place beneath the age of s even) have neglected to accomplish passing marks in English and Mathematics (Svallfors, 2005). This mirrors the disparity that is looked by the kids. This features the degree to which the existence odds of poor people kids are resolved in the grade schools in Australia. Contrasts are seen in the consequences of the rich and the poor kids in the Australian schools. The hypothesis of life chances is material to clarify the social treachery towards the aboriginals in Australia (Yang et al., 2007). Social bad form is reflected in the Australian schools. The Australian native gathering experiences outrageous social foul play. They experience the ill effects of social bad form in supreme terms just as in examination with the non Aboriginal society (Stevenson, 2007). The idea of race has no natural premise in it however it is a social develop. The natural inadequacy of a specific gathering of people has brought about social bad form towards them. It has been expressed the indigenous individuals in Australia are the most socially hindered gathering. They are the most defenseless towards the prejudicial practices (Keddie, 2005). They are exposed to bigotry. The hypothesis clarifying the social foul play towards the indigenous Australian gathering is the basic race hypothesis. It centers around the utilization of the basic hypothesis for the assessment of the way of life that endures in the general public and the convergence of the law, race and force in the general public. The quest ionable issues that are associated with the quest for the imbalance issues in Australia have been clarified by means of this hypothesis (Jacobsen, 2007). I have watched individual social predisposition in the Australian schools. The training framework in Australia is exposed to social inclination and this is reflected as increasingly more multiculturalism is seen because of the decent variety in the races, culture, qualities and language. I have seen the effect of the social biasness in the exhibition of the indigenous and non indigenous gathering in the schools in Australia. The extent of the Aboriginals and the Torres Strait islanders in the schools is expanding. Be that as it may, I have seen that the instructing profile in the schools and universities is overwhelmed by the non indigenous populace. There is requirement for the advancement of intercultural courses of action in the Australian schools. The individual social inclination of the educator has brought about unfavorable effect on the understudies. It is obvious from the distinction of the indigenous populace and the non indigenous populace that the social inclination has br ought about the variety of the scholastic execution of this gathering (Hickling Hudson Ahlquist, 2003). The social inclination towards the indigenous understudies in the Australian schools can be clarified by the basic race hypothesis. It clarifies the impact of prejudice on the Aboriginal populace. It additionally features the need of expert improvement of the white instructors for addressing the need of the Aboriginal understudies just as the non indigenous understudies (Durey, 2010). The prevailing talks are predominant in the Australian schools. The non indigenous populace in the Australian schools has a propensity of overwhelming the indigenous populace. The non indigenous white populace of the Australian schools thinks about the ethnic gathering as the most horde gathering of populace (Ryan Huyton, 2002). The indigenous understudies in the Australian schools experience bigotry that extend from hurtful suspicions by the non indigenous populace, paternalism and partialities towards the gathering of individuals. The indigenous populaces are additionally exposed to viciousness by the non indigenous gathering. The prevailing society in Australian activities their control over the non indigenous populace. The instructional methods that are utilized by the educators are impairing for the understudies. The predominance of the non indigenous populace towards the indigenous gathering of individuals can be clarified as far as the social generation hypothesis. It put acce ntuation on the structure and exercises that transmit social disparity starting with one age then onto the next age. The social imbalance can be clarified regarding social capital that advances the predominance of the specific area of the general public as far as non budgetary social resources (Catana, 2014). The strength by the non indigenous populace on the Aboriginals populace is pervasive in the Australian schools. The non indigenous Australian populace would separate the indigenous Australians in the schools when they are sitting contiguous them by passing appalling remarks. The indigenous populace faces separation in the open vehicle and furthermore grinding away spot. This has denoted the expansion of truancy among the indigenous populace. This has influenced the scholastic accomplishment of the Indigenous understudies. The indigenous understudies have less fortunate access to the assets which has impeded the way of their scholarly development. The schools need to build up their intercultural understanding so as to overcome any barrier between the indigenous and non indigenous populace. The Australian schools need to build up a wide educational program arrangement. There ought to be a common vision in the school network with elevated requirements for the achievement of the understu dies just as the staff individuals. The school must make a learning situation that is receptive to the individual need of the understudies. The educators should proactively remember ways for which there is consistent improvement in the methods of treatment towards the indigenous gathering. This can be accomplished by presenting quality profession training in the schools (YATES COLLINS, 2010). The hypothetical system that can clarify the force that is working in the non indigenous populace towards the indigenous gathering is the social capital hypothesis. The structure advances social versatility in different parts which incorporates the training segment and other social perspectives. It underscores on investigating the distinction in the result of the kids because of imbalance and bigotry. The social capital part of the social capital hypothesis centers around the asset that depends on bunch participation and the relationship among the gathering individuals. It features the order of a specific segment of the general public on the minority gathering. Imbalance endures in the Australian school. The non indigenous understudies embrace a prevailing situation in the schools. The white instructors will in general have a one-sided approach towards the indigenous populace. The social capital hypothesis can well portray the strength on the indigenous Australian populace. The non i ndigenous populace of the general public appreciates a higher status in the general public as far as assets of information, instruction and aptitudes accessible to them. It is apparent from the model given in the past section that the indigenous populaces are exposed to strength by the non indigenous Australians. Along these lines power irregularity is obvious in the general public. The New South Wales Department of Education and Communities is submitted towards improving the result of training of the indigenous populace in Australia, This is done so as to give scholarly assets to the indigenous populace with the goal that the understudies can exceed expectations their scholastic execution. On satisfaction of the objectives set by the board of trustees the Aboriginal populace will have the option to increase better results among the more extensive understudies populace. The division is submitted towards expanding the information and comprehension of the Aboriginals thinking about them as the principal pe

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Marketing Management

Advertising Management Presentation Al Ahlia Gulf Line (AGL) is a main producer and advertiser of soda pops in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Some of brands promoted by AGL in the UAE incorporate Fanta, Arwa, Burn, Coke, and Sprite. Coca Cola is a main organization on the planet. Coke’s brand value is likewise solid in the UAE. The parent organization started in 1892 after Charles Candler fused the organization.Advertising We will compose a custom report test on Marketing Management explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More The organization began in the United States. Today, Coca Cola showcases its soda pops to shoppers over the globe. The company’s foundation goes back to 1886 when Candler’s father, John Pemberton, thought of the first â€Å"Coca Cola formula†. By 1899, Coca Cola was a main organization in America. In the previous years, the organization has advanced the best strategic approaches along these lines turning into a main player in the worldwide soda i ndustry. In the UAE, Coca Cola (AGL) started its activities 1989. The organization has prevailing in the locale because of its quality packaging activities and conveyance frameworks. Promoting Environment There are diverse large scale and miniaturized scale ecological variables that influence the presentation of a business. Smaller scale ecological components are the â€Å"internal† perspectives influencing a business. Large scale ecological angles are those elements that a firm can't control. In the UAE, Coca Cola has been thinking about such full scale and small scale natural angles so as to develop fruitful. Miniaturized scale Environmental Factors Organizational Aspects The organization grasps the best administrative methodologies. This makes it simpler to build up the best inside arrangements, destinations, and techniques. Purchasers and Suppliers The organization needs to consider the bartering forces and desires for the two its providers and shoppers so as to stay bene ficial. The administrators ought to consider the best standards so as to guarantee the organization is on the correct way towards progress. Contenders There are diverse â€Å"fast food† organizations in the district. These organizations produce natural product juices and mineral water. Too, Pepsi is a main advertiser of soda pops in the UAE showcase. These contenders may influence the company’s performance.Advertising Looking for report on business financial matters? We should check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Marketing Mix Al Ahlia Gulf Line (AGL) utilizes the best showcasing blend so as to stay effective. The showcasing incorporates perspectives, for example, â€Å"price, place, advancement, publicizing, and nature of its products†. Full scale Environment Factors: PESTEL Analysis Political Factors Al Ahlia Gulf Line (AGL) works in a politically steady nation. The district has a solid political atmosphere and work re hearses. In any case, uncertainty is additionally normal because of psychological warfare and insurrections. Monetary Factors The UAE is unquestionably depicting a positive financial development. This clarifies why the organization ought to consistently consider the monetary factors so as to stay gainful. The organization can prevail in the long haul. Social Factors The area is encountering a socio-social change. The MNC ought to consider such changes so as to prevail in this market. Mechanical Factors The organization ought to consider new advances since they impact strategic activities, item improvement, and administration conveyance. These are basic angles for the organization. Ecological Factors The world is by and by getting mindful of the earth because of environmental change. AGL ought to consider the prescribed procedures so as to defend the earth. Lawful Factors There are sure enactments influencing various organizations in the UAE. These range from moral practices, busines s approaches, natural enactments, and sanitation measures. It has been vital for the organization to rethink such lawful aspects.Advertising We will compose a custom report test on Marketing Management explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Segmentation One of the company’s most loved items is â€Å"Coke†. The utilization of division can make Coke fruitful in the UAE. So as to make this specific item effective, AGL ought to consider the possibility of â€Å"multi-segmentation† as definite underneath. Geographic Segmentation Al Ahlia Gulf Line (AGL) can target various locales whereby more people will devour the item. The principle districts will remember the major urban focuses and urban areas for the nation. Socioeconomics The organization can focus on the populace dependent on salary levels, sexual orientation and age. For example, the organization should target people between 16-45 years old. This populace has a decent pay and is eager to burn through cash on extravagance items. Psychographic Segmentation Many buyers are cognizant about brands. That being the situation, more buyers will expend Coca Cola’s items. Current Target Market There are sure qualities that portray the objective market for Coke. The greater part of the buyers have comparable requirements and desires. The main interesting point is the issue of geographic area. The potential shoppers are in the urban zones. Too, the organization ought to consider certain issues, for example, socioeconomics, ways of life, and practices. A large portion of the focused on purchasers are somewhere in the range of 16 and 45 years old. The organization can utilize â€Å"socioeconomic segmentation† so as to showcase its item effectively. The issues to consider incorporate sexual orientation, occupation, individual desires, and instruction level. The organization will likewise need to think about the perspectives, ways of life, and practices of its purchasers. P ortrayal of the Market Opportunity The presence of a â€Å"marketing opportunity† makes it simpler for an organization to understand its objectives. In any case, the organization has a one of a kind brand value accordingly making it a significant rival in the business. The nation is today getting more sightseers and investors.Advertising Searching for report on business financial aspects? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Find out More The UAE is additionally encountering a hearty development as far as economy and political strength. More purchasers are getting budgetary steady and mindful of their desires. This has added to a â€Å"lifestyle change† accordingly introducing new chances to showcase Coke to the purchasers. Showcasing Analysis The investigation concentrated on key perspectives, for example, â€Å"economic position†, buyer desires, and open mindfulness. The investigation additionally inspected the past and current situation of different soda pops in the UAE advertise. In the wake of leading the study, the assembled data introduced the practices of the potential shoppers. By so doing, it was conceivable to set up the current open doors for the organization. Too, the respondents gave a â€Å"detailed depiction of the current open doors for Coca Cola† in the market. This made it simpler to concoct an away from of the promoting open door for the organization. Proposed Product Al Ahlia Gulf Line (AGL) can effectively present another item in the UAE. The best item to present in this market is â€Å"Diet Coke†. In light of the current showcasing openings, AGL can advertise Diet Coke effectively to the buyers. The advertiser needs to utilize the â€Å"three levels of the product†. The first is the â€Å"core product†. Coke’s brand value will make this level effective. The subsequent level is the â€Å"actual product†. Diet coke can assist individuals with tending to their medical issues and advantage from the item. At long last, the organization needs to utilize the best showcasing blend, advancements and ads to increase the value of this new item in the UAE advertise. Diet Coke SWOT Analysis Strengths The item is sound and scrumptious. Diet coke has succeeded somewhere else. It is serious in the market. The company’s â€Å"brand equity† is one of a kind. Shortcomings It is another item. Promoting motivators are missin g for Diet Coke. Can be depicted a â€Å"foreign product†. Openings More customers are delicate about their wellbeing. More individuals are devouring sodas. Coca Cola overwhelms the market. There are steady financial and political variables. Dangers There is rivalry from substitute products, for example, â€Å"fresh juices†. There is rivalry from Pepsi. Proposed Pricing The valuing system for Diet Coke ought to be as per the current rivalry and shopper desires. The product’s cost will be marginally higher than that of the contending items. The methodology will make Diet Coke a â€Å"superior product†. The cost should likewise be delicate to the costs of other contending organizations, for example, Pepsi. Proposed Distribution Process After presenting the item and distinguishing the focused on customers, the organization will utilize its viable gracefully chain framework. The methodology will guarantee equivalent appropriation of the item over the UAE. The advertisers and wholesalers will screen the degree of utilization so as to advance a consistent chain flexibly for the new item. The flexibly framework will incorporate appropriation places, helpful stores, shopping centers, and client outlets. Proposed Promotion Mix Promotion is a significant part of showcasing blend. AGL should utilize the correct work force to showcase the item legitimately to the shoppers. Too, deals advancements will sharpen the individuals about the advantages of the new item. The organization will likewise utilize games to expand mindfulness. The organization will likewise utilize various media and famous people to promote Diet Coke in the nation. The utilization of web based advancement will make the item effective. For instance, AGL can grasp the utilization of various internet based life so as to showcase its new

Making Sense of Since

Comprehending Since Understanding Since Comprehending Since By Maeve Maddox Now and again a word that is clear in one setting, may make uncertainty in another. Consider the accompanying extract from an expert paper survey of Hotel for Dogs. The story follows 16-year-old Andi (Emma Roberts) and her 11-year-old sibling Bruce (Jake T. Austin) who, since the demise of their folks, have lived in five encourage homes more than two years. Each move is trying as they need to discover approaches to carry their beguiling Jack Russell terrier Friday, an individual from their family since more joyful occasions, into each new family. On the off chance that you havent seen the film, would you be able to tell from this passage if the kids had the pooch before their folks kicked the bucket? Dont study it. Simply base your impact on one brisk perusing. The first occasion when I read it, I thought it implied that theyd had the pooch before the guardians kicked the bucket, however as I went on with the survey, I started to think about whether the youngsters had obtained the canine in the wake of being sent into child care. In the two expressions, the word since is a relational word. The OED gives two implications for since as a relational word: 1. Ever or constantly from (a predefined time, and so on.) till now. 2. During the period between (a predefined time) and now; sooner or later resulting to or after. OED In the expression since the demise of their folks, the since marks a particular beginning stage. In the expression since more joyful occasions, the timeframe is questionable. This since could, similar to the first since, mark a beginning stage resulting to the glad occasions appreciated with their folks, or it could show a previous beginning stage, during the upbeat occasions. I havent seen the film, so to make sense of the essayists proposed meaning, I googled (Oh, dear. I made a Google search of) They had a canine named Friday and discovered this refreshingly unambiguous articulation in an audit composed by a secondary school senior: At the point when their folks were as yet alive they had a canine named Friday and after their folks died they kept the pooch Janeane White Few out of every odd peruser would have experienced issues with this section, however in any event one did. Furthermore, on the off chance that one peruser falters, its feasible that others will. To keep away from disarray, its most likely a smart thought for an essayist to abstain from utilizing a similar word twice in a similar passage, particularly words that have more than one significance, anyway slight the distinction. Need to improve your English in a short time a day? Get a membership and begin getting our composing tips and activities every day! Continue learning! Peruse the Misused Words class, check our mainstream posts, or pick a related post below:100 Words for Facial ExpressionsSelect versus SelectedList of Prefixes and Suffixes and their Meanings

Friday, August 21, 2020

King control Essay Example for Free

Lord control Essay After 400 AD, there was no focal force in the West, yet a focal ministerial force, which guaranteed supremacy from the most punctual occasions. The brute intrusions and the following disorder brought about a huge development in the intensity of the papacy. With the presence of solid political powers in Europe, a battle between the papacy and the rulers began to develop. The important difference was the best possible appropriation of intensity; the lord was accepted to be the ruler by divine right. Should the King control church also, in spite of the conviction of pope as vicar of God on earth? It was in these conditions that, Pope Boniface VII showed up on the strict scene in Europe. As Papacy was clogged with inner wrangling of war of progression, it is accepted that Pope Benedict VI (973-974) was choked to death. For Boniface VII, papacy was a mainstream issue, as opposed to an awesome crucial, must be gained definitely. After his increase, with in a month, he had to leave the Constantinople, yet he didn't stop for a second to take an enormous entirety of cash from the Vatican treasury. Following nine years of outcast, he came back with a military to dismiss his replacement Pope John XIV (983-984). Every one of these deeds earned him the name of Antipope. As indicated by students of history Boniface VII sitting in Peters seat was at the absolute bottom in the ecclesiastical history. This decay and defilement in chapel was obvious at the hour of Gregory VII promotion to the papacy. He regrets the miserable condition of the Church in the accompanying words, â€Å"Wherever I turn my eyesto the west, toward the north, or toward the south, I discover diocesans who have acquired their office in sporadic ways†. Gregory put forth attempts to get rid of the Church from significant wrongs, for him the Bishop of Rome was not just the court of last intrigue, yet the pope was to administer the all inclusive Church as a vicar of St Peter. The medieval realms were strict states and ruler as the head of individuals was the preeminent expert in strict, just as in political issues. The otherworldly administration was currently in the hands of the priests and pope, sovereignty must be seen distinctively and new establishments laid for the political authority of the state. The state denied of its profound authority had to consider itself as a corporate body free of the Church. Gregory realized that the traditions winning in the Church and society had no establishment in antiquated Christian custom. As indicated by him loyalty didn't mean submissive compliance to the ceremonies, yet confidence required further comprehension of the religion. Gregory started his extraordinary work of refining the Church by a reconstruction of the ministry and sanctioned various pronouncements, for example, forbidding the workplace of holy requests by installment, uncovering blameworthy ministers from practicing services, and dismissal of the pastors who neglected to comply with these orders. These announcements were met with overwhelming opposition, yet were halfway fruitful. Pope Boniface VII and Gregory VII had similar desire, however with various purpose of perspectives. As per Pope Boniface VII, Church can't not be isolated from the state, there must be balance for this concurrence. Gregory VII, on the opposite de-sacralized the authority of the lord, and isolated the otherworldly world from legislative issues. Therefore, the Church turned into a sovereign body with its own head, regulatory structure, assortment of law, and courts, which in the end offered ascend to the advanced state. Source: Ullmann. W (1962), The Growth of Papal Government in the Middle Ages: A Study in the Ideological Relation of Clerical to Lay Power, Methuen London. Catholic Encyclopedia, Pope St. Gregory VII (8 Nov. 2005), http://www. newadvent. organization/cathen/06791c. htm

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

What is the Volcker Rule

What is the Volcker Rule The Volcker Rule is a federal rule that prohibits American commercial banks and foreign banks that operate in the United States from using the deposits of customers for their own personal profit.Banks are prohibited from conducting any investment activity with their accounts and also limit their dealings with covered funds and hedge funds. Banks are only permitted to trade when it is necessary or vital to run their business.For example, offsetting foreign currency, they are however permitted to make a trade for their customers.This rule is contained in section 619 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Act of 2010. This rule is aimed at protecting the interest of bank customers and was birthed after the financial crisis which hit the United States in 2008.To help understand what exactly the Volcker Rule is all about, it is important to know the history of the rule.HISTORY OF VOLCKER RULEThis federal regulation is known as the Volcker Rule because it was proposed by the chairman of the board of Governors of the United States Federal Reserve system from 1979 to 1987 known as Paul Volcker.He was the head of President Obamas economic advisory panel from 2009 till 2011Paul Volcker made the proposal of the Volcker Rule in 2009 when the country was submerged in a financial crisis which led to the accumulation of losses by the proprietary trading arm of the largest bank in the country.Paul Volcker hoped that the rule will enable the nation to reestablish the divide that existed between investment banking and commercial banking. He proposed that banks in the United States be restricted from making speculative investments that were of no benefit to customers.He blamed the financial crisis that the nation experienced in 2007 and 2008 on the speculative activities of banks. Volcker proposed that a ban be placed on proprietary trading by commercial banks. Source: Positive MoneyHis claims were on the fact that the banks during the world wide recession created excess cash as a result of the increased number of loans made. Basically, money is generated every time a loan is made.The result of this was terrible as it doubled the amount of money in 7 years as well as debt.This entailed placing a ban on commercial banks making use of the deposits of customers to trade and make gains for the bank.Even though the rule was scheduled to be fully implemented on 21st of July 2010 as part of the Dodd-Frank Act, certain delays were experienced and it wasnt launched until the 10th of December 2013.A lawsuit was filed by community banks on January 24, 2014, regarding the provisions that concern specialized security. The regulation was revised and on the 21st of July 2015, it came into effect.The approval of the final regulations that came to be known as the Volcker Rule was done by five important federal agencies namely: the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission.These five agencies also have the responsibility of implementing and overseeing strict adherence to the rule.SPECIFICATIONS OF THE VOLCKER RULEAs stated earlier, the Volcker Rule does not permit banks to use their accounts for short-term proprietary trading of commodity future, securities and derivatives.Proprietary trading is the directional bets made by a firm, for the account of the firm, with the resources of the firm and for the gain of the firm.The controversial thing about this is that any loss incurred during this had to be paid for through the FDIC insurance with the taxpayers money.The rule also prohibits insured depository institutions and banks from obtaining or retaining ownership interests in private equity funds or hedge funds except in certain stipulated cases.The aim of t his rule is to discourage banks from taking too many risks and this is to be achieved by banning them from making such investments with their own funds in order to increase profit, this is based on the belief that these investments are of zero benefits to the customers of the bank.No matter how strict this rule appears, it still permits banks to continue market making, hedging, engaging in the activities of insurance companies, underwriting, act as brokers, agents or custodians, offer hedge funds and private equity funds and even trade in government securities.All these services can be rendered by the bank to their costumer’s in order to generate profit.But if it is discovered that engaging in these activities can lead to a conflict of interest, generate instability within the bank and the financial system of the United States or expose the bank to high-risk assets, then the bank is prohibited from engaging in the activity.The rule permits banks to trade under two circumstances; f irst if it is necessary to run their business, then the bank can trade.For example, they can trade to offset interest rate rush and also engage in currency trading to offset foreign currency holding. Secondly, the banks are permitted to make use of the funds of clients with the permission of the client to trade on behalf of the client.The Volcker Rule also has levels of reporting requirements that must be met by the banks. The details of the covered trading activities of the bank will be disclosed to the banks via these reports.The reporting requirements and compliance of small banks are less when compared to those of larger institutions.Large banks are expected to implement a program that will ensure compliance with the rule also ensure that their programs are subject to independent analysis and testing.The Volcker Rule is binding to everyone that works in the bank starting from the CEO to every other person down the chain of command.They are all personally and legally liable if th ey do not comply with the rule.THE NECESSITY OF THE VOLCKER RULEThe major reason why this rule came into existence was to prevent history from repeating itself like it did in the years of the financial crises which was believed to be caused by the activities of banks.This rule was put in place to act as a check that would prevent banks from placing investment bets with depositors, which was insured by FDIC and backed by taxpayers.This is why many banks were not in support of the rule and it took five years for the rule to be implemented.During the course of these five years banks lobbied to prevent the enactment of the rule which would restrict them from engaging in activities that are profitable to them.Furthermore, the rule was intended to erase the damage that had been done to the economy when the Glass Steagall Act was repealed by Congress.The Glass-Steagall act allowed investment banks to be run privately and small companies that helped to raise capital through issuing debt and going public in the stock market could stay small without needing any regulation while charging high fees. Source: TopTalDuring the repeal, six mega banks increased their assets from 20% to over 60% GDP from 1997 to 2008.This was because the repealing of the Glass-Steagall act meant that banks could use the reserve of depositor’s funds to earn for themselves without any form of regulations.The access they had to capital in the depositors fund enables them to make money despite a thin profit margin.This was done basically because the deposits of commercial banks were protected by FDIC unlike the deposits of investment banks. They could borrow money at a cheaper rate than any other person.This unfair advantage that community banks had wasnt favorable to smaller banks and as a result, big banks began to buy up the smaller ones. This whole move dealt a heavy blow to the economy because when these big banks got into trouble, the money of taxpayers was used to bail them out.If the venture went well then the bank managers and stakeholders benefited, but if it didnt go well, the taxpayers had t o bear the brunt. This wasnt good at all.Something had to be done about it and that was why the Volcker Rule was needed.The Volcker Rule creates a financial safety net that excludes any financially risky activity especially activities that are unrelated to serving the customers of the bank.Prior to the implementation of the Volcker Rule, banks could carry out activities that benefitted the bank at the expense of the costumer but with the Volcker Rule, every market activity had to be geared towards serving customers rather than profiting the bank.In addition, the Volcker Rule was needed in order to level the playing field between two agents. An example is ensuring that the bank doesnt mislead the customers on the terms of a mortgage.This rule provides the required economic stability and also ensures that there is no clash of interest between the banks and their customers.The Volcker Rule has eliminated the casino (betting and spontaneous competitive activities) part of financial inst itutions and this will reduce the level of panic or financial anxiety felt and will also make any financial crisis easy to manage.It is safe to say that the Volcker Rule was needed to create a banking safety net that will benefit the customers rather than the shareholders of the banks.Under this regulation, it is impossible for the bank to make gains at the expense of the customers. If this wasnt done, then the financial crisis will be a reoccurring thing in the economy of the nation.HOW DOES THE VOLCKER RULE IMPACT YOU? There are six various reasons why you should be interested in the Volcker Rule and the kind of impact it will have on you:Due to the Volcker rule, it is going to be almost impossible for banks to need huge bailouts, such as the $700 billion bailout.Since the Lehman Brothers fallout, most bank customers would never want to experience such a thing again. With the Volcker Rule, this is less likely to occur. So itll save you from turning on the TV in the morning and see ing your bank is out of business.Before the Volcker Rule major banks were capable of using certain shady hedge funds to boost up their profits, however, after the Volcker Rule, it will no longer be possible for such to occur.You can sleep better at night because youre certain your deposits are secure. This is due to the restrictions on banks, preventing them from gambling it.CRITIQUES OF THE VOLCKER RULEThere have been numerous criticisms of the Volcker Rule from different sides.For example, in 2014, the United States Chamber of Commerce claimed the benefits of the Volcker Rule are in pale in comparison to the costs it incurs. According to them, this occurs because a cost-benefit analysis was ignored.Whats more, in 2017, a top risk official of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) revealed that restrictions with the aim of stopping speculative bets are quite difficult to ensure.In addition, the IMF stand was that the Volcker Rule had the potential to unintentionally negatively affec t bond market liquidity.Backing up the International Monetary Fund criticism, the Federal Reserves Finance and Economics Discussion Series (FEDS) provided an equivalent critique, stating that due to the Volcker Rule, liquidity will diminish as the resultant effect of market-making activities of banks.The criticisms are overwhelming, the image below shows a portion of dealer inventory which was held overnight by dealers due to customer trades.This particular inventory reveals the measure of the number of customer demands a dealer is capable of absorbing in order to facilitate customer trades. Source: FsforumDealers who are willing to keep greater inventories can ensure more trades for their clients. However, the image above clearly shows that dealers possessed greater inventories in order to ensure client trades before the Volcker rule and these inventories have gradually been declining.As these inventories fall, dealers are probably going to initiate buy-and-sell order. This ultimately makes it hard for clients to revise their investment portfolios when the need arises.Criticisms have been made, that the fall of dealer inventories are a result of bank regulation which is affecting market liquidity and inventory behavior.First, they state that the revealed inventory decline is centered with bank-affiliated dealers, which shows that heightened bank regulation like the Volcker rule has a hand in it and that the fallout isnt just due to large market-wide changes.Second, they reveal that these falls are often the greatest during the Volcker era, which is dated to April 2014 t o October 2016. These findings have suggested that the Volcker Rule is a major contributor to the fall of market liquidity.The critiques keep pouring in as a recent report stated how the European Union had put an end to a drafted law which was taken by many as the reaction of Europe to the rule, with the no possibility of an agreement in the future.Other reports have also revealed that after the Volcker Rules enactment, its impact on the revenue of major banks is less than expected.However, certain current development in the implementation of the rule has the ability to affect operations in the future.PRESENT STATE OF THE VOLCKER RULEDue to the tough restrictions of the Volcker Rule, there are currently certain steps being taken to ensure that some of these restrictions are lifted.This is in a bid to ensure that the complications of the rule are eliminated, as the rule covers over a 1000 pages.In line with the 2017 recommendation of the Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, Sen. Mike Cr apo who is the head of the Senate Banking Committee sponsored a Senate bill which would push back certain portions of the Dodd-Frank law.This is inclusive of the exemption of the Volcker Rule of banks with assets lower than $10 billion in the United States.Whats more, changes have been pouring in from the commission responsible for enacting the law.The five-member committee which includes the Federal Reserve, the Federal Deposit and Insurance Corporation, the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Treasury Department and the Commodities Futures Trading Commission.As of May 30, 2018, a vote was passed by the Fed, to provide banks with a compliance relief. Banks are permitted to trade for their individual goals.However, it’s tough for regulations to discern whether trades are speculative or not.When the Volcker Rule was in full force, banks were forced to provide evidence that a trade was not speculative.But now, the proposal by the Feds demands regulators to provide evidence that a particular trade is speculative.What this does, is transfer the burden from off the banks to the regulators. All other committee members would be expected to fall in line with the Feds vote.Banks are pushing for restrictions to be lowered as they want to carry out trades that run for anything lower than 60 days.However, with the regulations of the rule, banks must tender evidence that the trades being run are for their clients.Also, they want the exemption of certain overseas funds from the Volcker Rule, as well as reduced limitations on trading due to their wealth management plans.WHERE IS THE VOLCKER RULE HEADED? United States President Donald J Trump, in February 2017, passed an executive order which directed, Steven Mnuchin, the Treasury Secretary at the time to carry out a review on the present financial system regulations.Due to the executive order, the Treasury has released numerous reports offering proposed changes to Dodd-Frank; this includes a recommended proposal aimed to permit banks to have more exemptions from various aspects of the Volcker Rule.In June 2017 one of the statements released by the Treasury stated that it recommends major changes to the rule while adding that it isnt for the repeal of the rule and only supports in principle the Volcker rules restrictions on proprietary trading.This was the report which notably recommended the exemption of certain banks with assets lower than $10 billion.The Treasury as well stated the various regulatory compliance difficulties initiated by the Volcker rule and proffered solutions for refining and simplifying proprietary trading definitions and covered funds.In addition, the softening of the regulations as well in order to permit banks to efficiently hedge their risks.So where will this place the Volcker rule in the future? Well since this assessment in June 2017, Bloomberg reported at the start of 2018, that steps to revise the rule has been taken by the Comptroller of the Currency in turn with ce rtain recommendations of the Treasury.However, there are no definite timelines for when these revisions would take effect. Nevertheless, such revisions could probably take years to implement.Furthermore, the Federal Reserve Board vote at the end of the month of May in 2018, opened for door wider restructuring of the Volcker rule as it is presently.CONCLUSIONThe Volcker rule initially aimed at protecting customer funds in banks has in recent years met some very tough resistance. This has been due to recommendations from various committees responsible for it.The purpose of these recommendations has been to lower the strict regulations on banks, restricting them from certain trades, with proof exemptions on other types of trades.A lot of the recent happenings point towards the relaxation of the rule in the near future, as there seems to be overwhelming evidence of its negative effect on market liquidity as well as problems with its cost to benefit analysis.Regardless of the number of c riticisms, the Volcker rule generates mixed opinions in the financial sector. The big banks lobby to see certain aspects of the rule taken off as they state it hampers on profits.However, irrespective of the point of view of the rule it is no doubt a hot issue in the financial sector.