Monday, May 18, 2020

Alzheimer s Is The Most Common Form Of Dementia - 948 Words

Alzheimer’s is the most common form of dementia. â€Å"Dementia is a general term that describes a group of symptoms-such as loss of memory, judgment, language, complex motor skills, and other intellectual function-caused by the permanent damage or death of the brain s nerve cells, or neurons.† Alzheimer’s is not a part of aging even though increasing age is a risk factor but Alzheimer’s occurs in people 65 and older. Alzheimer’s worsens over time. In the early stages memory is lost and then gradually goes to where they can’t hold a conversation or remember their surroundings. The 6th leading cause of death in the U.S. is Alzheimer’s. Most people with Alzheimer s live on average eight years after their symptoms begin but can survive range†¦show more content†¦In the mild stage of Alzheimer’s the symptoms could include: difficulty coming up with the right name, problems remembering names when meeting new people, difficulty performing tasks, forgetting material you’ve just read, losing and misplacing objects, and trouble planning and organizing things. The second stage is moderate Alzheimer’s disease which is the middle stage. It is known to be the longest stage and can carry over for many years. As the disease continues, the person affected with the Alzheimer s disease will require more care. Symptoms include: forgetting about their own history, feeling moody, not being able to remember phone numbers or their name, confusion on what day it is, problems controlling their bladder, changes in their sleep patterns, and becom ing lost. The last stage is severe Alzheimer’s. People lose the ability to respond to their environment, to hold a conversation and, to control movement. Symptoms include: require assistance full time daily, having difficulty communicating, become vulnerable to infections like pneumonia, and changes in physical abilities like walking, talking, and swallowing. There is no cure for Alzheimer s but drug and non-drug medicines may help with all the symptoms. Statistics say that of the 5.3 Americans with Alzheimer’s, 5.1 million people are age 65 and older, and approximately are under 65. Almost two-thirds of Americans are women. Of the 5.2 million listed

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