Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Signs and Symptoms of Bipolar Disease - 758 Words

Introduction Bipolar disease is a very odd disorder affecting many people. This paper will describe what bipolar disease is, the signs and symptoms of this disease, and who it affects. It will also inform you of the causes of bipolar disease and how to diagnose and treat it. Description Bipolar disease, previously called manic-depressive illness, is a disorder in the brain characterized by extreme variations in mood, energy, and activity levels. Patients with bipolar disease find it strenuous completing everyday tasks, which can result to damaged relationships, destitute job or school performances, and even suicide. As this disease can be treated, it will never be completely alleviated. If managed though, people with bipolar disease can still lead rewarding lives. Signs and Symptoms Common signs of bipolar disorder involve intense emotional states that occur in distinct periods referred to as â€Å"mood swings.† There are two different states of mood swings that give off different symptoms. The first is the mania or manic state where people experience an overly joyful, overexcited, and outgoing mood. The second is called the depressive state in which people feel extremely troubled, hopeless, and lonely. Behavioral changes experienced in each state vary much too. In the manic state, people talk very rapidly, switch their ideas or thought processes from one to the next, are easily distracted, cannot sleep, act foolishly and engage in gratifying, high-risk behaviors. 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I will be talking about the signs and symptoms, known causes and factors that contribute, current researches that have been conducted on the disorders, and also the diagnosis and treatments. Bipolar Disorders If you have a mood d367isorder your emotion or mood is changed by the outcome of an event or an action by another person. (Diseases and Conditions: Mood Disorders , n.d.) The first type that I’m going to discuss is bipolar disorder, which is a brainRead MoreBipolar Disorder1485 Words   |  6 PagesBipolar Disorder HCA/240 Toni Black Andrew Bertrand 11/21/2010 What is Bipolar Disorder? Bipolar disorder, is also known as manic-depressive illness, this is a brain disorder that causes unusual mood swings, energy levels are either up or down and your ability to function a normal everyday life would be a challenge to these individuals with this mental illness. The normal ups and downs that people experience who doesn’t have bipolar disorder is relatively different because with

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